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Article: 'How To' Painting Your Nails With Your Non Dominant Hand

How To

'How To' Painting Your Nails With Your Non Dominant Hand

Painting your dominant hand is a struggle for most beginners, but believe us when we tell you that practice really does make perfect! It is like learning to play the guitar. At first you can't change your finger positioning in a swift motion but the more you practice the easier it becomes.

Here are some tips that will help you!

  • We suggest painting your dominant hand using your non dominant hand first. You are more likely toflood your cuticles on this hand so you can clean up this area with the nails on your opposite hand and it is easier to do this with clean non cured nails.
  • Always start by painting from your pinky finger to your thumb (thumb last) this is because your thumb sits at a different angle to your other fingers and if you paint your thumb first, gravity can move your gel to the side and once cured leave an uneven gel finish.
  • Always ensure you paint withsuper thin coats. Apply less gel polishthan you think you should. It's ok to re-dip if you run out ofgel polish for each nail. The thinner the polish is, the easier it is to paint neatly and without flooding your cuticles, it also helps with the curing process.
  • Place your dominant hand flat on a sturdy table and bring it to the edge of the table. Then place your non dominant hand beside it and keep your wrist on the table so you have better control of your hand. Hold the brush with your thumb at the front and your pointer and middle finger at the back for support. When painting your can sway your non dominant hand from left to right as you paint each finger, do not lift your hand off the table.
  • Lastly, ensure the room is well lit. A bright roomor table light will help you achieve the perfect application for you nails.

Overtime and with practice, painting your dominanthand will feel comfortable and you will feel more in control as your handadjusts to this new movement.