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Article: How to properly buff before gel application

How To

How to properly buff before gel application

How to properly buff:

  • You need a180 grit file or 100-120 girt buffer block.
  • Using a buffer or file that is more than180 will actually make your nails smoother and not create a rough enough surface for your gel to stick to.
  • If you are using a buffer block, ensure the grit is 100 or 120. Buffer blocks have a different surface texture to emery files so even though the grit is more rough, it will not damage your nails in a way the 100 grit emery file would. If you are unsure if your buffer is rough enough, you can feel the surface with your fingers. If it feels smooth, chances are that it will make your nail beds smooth too. This usually happens when a buffer has been over used.
  • Apply light pressure. You do not want to buff away at your natural nails and make them thin. You just want to slightly roughen the surface.
  • When you buff, you want to pay attention to any left over polish still stuck to the nail plate and any flakes that will prevent the gel from looking smooth when applied.
  • Ensure you are getting into all the bends of the nail. When doing your side walls, hold your buffer or file parallel to your nails so you really get in-between your nail and your cuticle. It will also smoothen your skin and get any hard to reach cuticles out.
  • Don't forget to buff the free edge too which is the top end of your nail.

Why you should buff:

  • It takes off any excess gel polish that may be left on the surface of your nails from the removal process.
  • It creates a smooth surfacefor an even application.
  • It creates a rough surface so the gel has something to adhere to.

What happens if you don't buff:

  • Your new gel application may have bumps from previous gel polish.
  • Your polish will not last long as the surface of the nail will be too smooth and as the natural oils have not been buffered away.

Buffing is a very important step. So take your time and do not rush it.